Packaging Testing & Analysis

Proper testing of packaging systems for medical device, pharmaceuticals, and food products helps to ensure safety, shelf-life, and endurance of the packaging.
Our scientists can work with you in the following areas:
Oxygen Content in Your Packaging
Manufacturers of medical devices and food products often use packaging with a reduced oxygen level to minimize oxidation of the product and increase shelf-life. Determination of the oxygen level in the packaging is a useful way to determine the efficacy of the packaging process, and to monitor the packaging integrity over time.
Accelerated Aging Testing On Your Packaging
Extractables and Leachables In Your Packaging
Mechanical Testing of Packaging
Water Vapor Transmission Testing
- Water vapor transmission testing
Migration Testing In Food Packaging
- Food contact migration testing per EU No.10/2011
Relevant Packaging Testing Standards
- ASTM F1980 Standard guide for accelerated aging of sterile barrier systems for medical devices
- ASTM F2097 Standard guide for design and evaluation of primary flexible packaging for medical products
- USP <1663> Assessment of Extractables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems
- USP <1664> Assessment of Drug Product Leachables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging Delivery Systems
- EU No. 10/2011 Commission Regulation on Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Food
Contact us to have a discussion with one of our scientists about packaging testing or to request a quote.