2006 News Archives

May 23, 2006 US Patent No. 7,048,963 issued

US Patent No. 7,048,963 to CPG researcher Gavin Braithwaite, on "Layered aligned polymer structures and methods of making same".

May 9, 2006 CPG researchers present at the TA Instruments User Symposium

CPG researchers Gareth McKinley and Stephen Spiegelberg spoke at the TA Instruments User Symposium in Newport, RI on the rheological characterization of materials for biomedical application.

February 2, 2006 CPG researchers hosted Boston high school students

CPG researchers hosted Boston high school students as part of the Boston Private Industry Council's "Groundhog Job Shadow Day", where students had the opportunity to spend a day at a company to see how their academic studies are used on the job.